
adam Hello, all first of all I would like to say that I love sailing and my other passion is cars, as of lately I spend more time reading information about hottest cars of the world and gadgets that would fit one of my cars. I’m so facinated about the future of automotive industry all these self driving idea is great, and I must admit that it’s one of the main reasons I started to write not only about sailing but also about cars and majority of information here is about them.

So this blog is about latest news in the car industry including interesting articles and how to tutorials of things I liked. This is my personal blog and I called is Sailjuice blog because I love sailing, but this is my past, so I decided to re-brand this blog to cars.

Sailing is awesome and I still do it from time to time, but due to personal circumstances I don’t have a chance to do it as often as I did in the past, but as I said earlier I found a new passion – CARS!

I hope you will find interesting stuff on my blog.